
  • Intro to Flutter: A practical guide to cross-platform development

    Today I would like to share with you our experience with running our Flutter application in production for about 6 months. We will talk about how to organize your code, which libraries to use and other tips and tricks we’ve learned so far.

  • Flutter: how to draw text along an arc

    For one of our side projects (highly experimental and written in Flutter for Web, by the way) I needed to implement something like this:

  • Dependency Injection in Flutter

    As I wrote in a previous article, we’re experimenting with Flutter while developing our side project for step challenges with colleagues. This side project should also be considered as a playground, where we can check if we can use Flutter in more serious projects. That’s why we want to use some approaches there that can look like an over-engineering for such a small project.

  • Multi-platform apps: are we there yet?

    The weekend was rather rainy, so I was playing with Flutter. Last time I’ve tried it, it was still in beta (or even alpha?), so I was interested if it finally became useful for building multi-platform apps.

  • Rounded image view in Android

    The common use-case is like this: you need to get an image from some server, resize and cache it (you’re using Picasso for this, aren’t you?), make corners rounded (ok, this is not the most popular use-case, but it’s what this article is about) and load it into view. So, how can we make rounded corners?

  • Adding flavor-specific tasks to Gradle

    Suppose you have a multi-flavored project. Each flavor is a separate app, so you have to use separate google-services.json file for each flavor.

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