I am mobile and web developer with over 10 years of experience. I was working as frontend, backend and mobile developer, but now I’m mostly interested in mobile development – both iOS and Android.

I’m currently working in Mews as a Head of Applications, and we’re building a lot of great stuff here using modern (and even cutting edge) technologies. We have kiosk application for Android written in Kotlin, and recently released an app written from scratch in Flutter.

I was always looking for a way to build high quality cross-platform apps, so I was playing with almost every available technology for that. However, there were always more drawbacks than advantages. But I think Flutter is one of the best solutions, and it really has a great potential to become the one-framework-to-rule-them-all.

Some facts about myself:

  • I have been developing Android apps since 2012, mainly in Java, then migrated to Kotlin.
  • I don’t like over-engineering and trying to keep my code clean, simple and maintainable. I surely am DRY and KISS principles advocate and trying to implement them where it seems reasonable.
  • I like Agile development and try to implement its principles in my work.
  • I enjoy being a team lead, supporting and code reviewing.